Missed deadline :(
I'm a little bit behind. OK, a lot behind, which means I've missed my deadline for Dark Skies to be released.
On one hand, I'm pretty bummed about it, but on the other hand, I don't want to rush the release and put out sloppy material. That would be more upsetting for me.
As a self-published author, I have control over the entire production process, and I try my very best to make sure that I publish quality material and if I have to sacrifice a week or two to ensure I provide the best quality product I can produce, then the deadline will be pushed back.
I've heard often enough that self-publishing is not a race. Each author has their own timeline and I am learning that I have to work according to what feels right for me.
(Sigh) I do still wish, I met my deadline, but life is happening and there were times, I had to put a priority on my other life demands. It's all good. Dark Skies will come out this month :)
Here's what I've got on my to-do list:
-I've finished going through the first read through.
-Send manuscript back to editor for second read through
-Edit second read
-final proof read
-clean manuscript formatting
-add front and back content
-publish e-book
-work on Createspace version
-order cover for paperback
-proof Createspace version
-publish paperback!
On one hand, I'm pretty bummed about it, but on the other hand, I don't want to rush the release and put out sloppy material. That would be more upsetting for me.
As a self-published author, I have control over the entire production process, and I try my very best to make sure that I publish quality material and if I have to sacrifice a week or two to ensure I provide the best quality product I can produce, then the deadline will be pushed back.
I've heard often enough that self-publishing is not a race. Each author has their own timeline and I am learning that I have to work according to what feels right for me.
(Sigh) I do still wish, I met my deadline, but life is happening and there were times, I had to put a priority on my other life demands. It's all good. Dark Skies will come out this month :)
Here's what I've got on my to-do list:
-I've finished going through the first read through.
-Send manuscript back to editor for second read through
-Edit second read
-final proof read
-clean manuscript formatting
-add front and back content
-publish e-book
-work on Createspace version
-order cover for paperback
-proof Createspace version
-publish paperback!