Mulligan! It's time for a do-over.

"Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming."
-Dory the fish


Hope you've all been well. Since my last check-in, I'm happy to say I've been writing. Problem is, I'm still struggling with focusing my thoughts and ideas for Eye of the Storm.  I know where I want the book to end, but getting there has not been easy.

I'm currently on the third draft. I wish I could say, it's the third completed draft, but I'm only about a quarter of the way. But, I think this last version is going further than the other two. I find that promising. With the help of my bff and writing coach, I also have more things to add to the story to get it to the end.

I was looking at the other books last night and when those published. I cannot believe Midnight Rain went live two years ago! 2 years?! What?! Time has gotten away from me. My original plan was to have Eye of the Storm follow Midnight Rain within a year.

LOL! Didn't happen.

I really need to hunker down.

Part of the plan is a re-think and re-do. I want to streamline so I can focus my efforts. My goal with this is to be more intentionally active. Sounds good, right?

Wish me luck.

Thanks for being here.