Updates for 2023

I hope you enjoyed the free chapters of Gathering Storm I was posting. If you did, you can still grab it for free on Amazon and Smashwords. Though, Amazon at times will randomly take it out of free status. I don't know why...

I hope you all had a wonderful New Year's celebration. As we start our trek into 2023, I wish you all the very best this year and thank you for being here.

For 2023, I have priority items that I need to complete. I'm sharing my writing goals this year in hopes that it will help me finish and get me out of my slump.

  • I have to finish Eye of the Storm this year. This is taking way longer than I anticipated. Mostly it's due to chronic writing block, but now that just feels like an excuse.
  • I need to release an updated version of Dark Skies. I was re-reading  the paperback version and I noticed the formatting is messed up. Ugh! My goal is to produce quality books. I'm not sure what happened to the formatting, but I will fix it.
  • Create consistent posts on this site
That's it. Short list. 

But if there's anything you're interested in having me post about, please feel free to comment.

Happy 2023 to us!